
A Supernatural Sex Experience!


This past Mother’s Day was a day I will never forget. It wasn’t just a typical Sunday of me getting up, going to church, going out to eat, and then going home. It was a special day for me. Not only was I celebrating being a mother of three beautiful children, but I was preparing to teach  an adult Sunday school class for my first time ever. My husband who didn’t attend church on a regular basis, joined me, supported me, and helped me make coffee for everyone. Class went great, the dance I did with our missionette girls during service went great, and having my husband by my side while hearing the word of God preached, was an amazing feeling.

After service we met up with Richie’s mom at Logan’s Roadhouse to treat her to lunch for the special occasion. On the way home Richie wanted to stop by the store. He came out with a couple of bags but hid them in the trunk so I couldn’t see what he had bought. We got home and he pulled the bags out of the car revealing what was inside. He had bought water guns. The weather was definitely perfect for getting wet. It was hot and humid, and the sun was shining even through the trees. It was a cheap gift, but the enjoyment we shared that day couldn’t have been bought with a price. For over an hour we chased each other and the kids around the house, behind the cars, and all over the yard; shooting each other with the water guns. We had a blast! For a moment I felt like a little kid again. Forgetting all the worries and heartaches life had thrown my way, and just being consumed with laughter and fun.

imageRichie and I went in the house and allowed the kids to stay outside to play a little longer. We weren’t inside for long before we both had the urge to be sexually intimate with one another. We went to the bedroom and began touching and kissing each other’s body from head to toe. We were so full of passion, yearning to express our love on a much deeper level. The sex was amazing as always, but I experienced something new that day. In the middle of us making love, I looked at my husband pouring out his love on me and I got this spiritual revelation. I spoke to God in my head and said, “God, this is what sex is supposed to be like. This is a beautiful thing that you created for husband and wives, for marriage. Thank you Lord for this wonderful gift.” Yes I prayed during sex. I even got teary eyed thinking about how wonderful sex is when it’s performed the way God planned for it to be. It’s not just about having a physical need met. No, it’s about much more than that. God wants us to completely give ourselves to our spouse and to take pleasure in doing so. For the wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. Likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. (1 cor 7:4) It’s about being as one. Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. (Gen 2:24) It’s about being intoxicated with one another’s love, satisfied to every degree. May you rejoice in the wife of your youth. A loving doe, a graceful deer, may her breasts satisfy you always, may you ever be intoxicated with her love. (Prov 5:18-19) It’s a sacred act of God’s holiness. Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit..(1 Cor 6:19) Richie and I have always had a wonderful sex life. Even when things weren’t great in our marriage we knew exactly how to please one another physically, but now our spiritual connection with God and each other is much stronger, that I feel we are honoring God even in the bedroom.

I once had a friend tell me that she didn’t enjoy sex with her husband and she would just lay there longing for it to be over. I felt so sorry for her. I wondered how her husband must feel. How God must feel. He gave us this phenomenal gift to experience, yet many of us don’t understand it or we take it for granted. Sex is not a shameful thing! Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.(Gen 2:25) Sex was never meant outside of marriage. But since sexual immorality is occurring, each man should have sexual relations with his own wife, and each woman with her own husband. (1 Cor 7:2) I interviewed a lady once while I was conducting a survey on love and intimacy. She told me that even after 35 years of marriage, there were things she wanted her husband to do sexually to her, but she didn’t know how to tell him. I was shocked! Communication is so important in marriage, even when it’s related to sex.  I’ve never had a problem telling my husband what I want and how I want it. In fact, I’m more comfortable talking about it than he is. Most christians want to avoid the subject of sex and I don’t understand why. Are we going to let the world define sex? Teach our kids what sex is? Of course not! Sex came from God! It’s his creation, his gift. I feel no guilt in partaking in something God designed for me, for my body, for my marriage. “To fully embrace marital sexuality and all that God designed it for, couple’s must bring their Christianity into bed and break down the wall  between their physical and spiritual intimacy.-Gary Thomas 

I want to share with you part of a poem I wrote for my husband. Not only was it written out of love, but by the understanding that by being his wife, God has given me full access to enjoy every part of his entire being.

“Oh my dear husband, your love is so intoxicating. On your sexy body, strong arms, and sweet lips, I’m concentrating. Your love keeps me “high”, I don’t want to be sober. When you make sweet love to me, I never want it to be over. I’m always daydreaming about your tender touch, you satisfy every part of me, I can never get enough. My eyes stare at you, gazing right through your soul. With a passionate look that yearns for you, and has no self-control. My nostrils are filled with your body’s sweet aroma. Your presence alone could wake me from a comma. My mouth craves the lovely taste of your tongue, when you kiss me from head to toe, my pain becomes numb. My breasts patiently await your hand’s warm caress. To be grasped and touched by you, they desire nothing less”….

To some of you this post may have been uncomfortable to read. You may question whether or not God really designed sex for more than just procreation. I encourage you to read the book Song of Songs in the Bible. It was a book written by Solomon, dedicated to the celebration of sexual love. Do some research on your body and how God designed certain genital parts for pleasure alone. If this is a struggle for you in your marriage, I pray that you will learn to enjoy sexual intercourse as an act of love, and that through it you will become closer to your spouse and to God.

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