My husband and I have lived in our house for over ten years, and recently everything seems to be falling apart. Doors are broken, lights need changing, our stove is missing a few screws, and we have cracks in our kitchen floor. At times, I think about how great it would be to just get a new house. Then I remind myself that even a new house will eventually have problems that need fixing too. Marriage is the same way. Your marriage may be broken, in need of a few changes, or missing a few tools needed to make it work, but getting a new spouse is never the answer. Years down the road, you will find yourself in the same situation just with a different person.

But I’ve got good news! I know the one who fixes broken things! His name is the Lord Almighty, the one true God, our heavenly father. He not only can fix your marriage, but He can make it better than ever before. But there’s a few things you must do to begin the process.

1. Call out to Him 

Just like you call a maintenance man or a plumber when your house needs repairing, you must call on the Lord when your marriage is broken. And call upon me in the day of trouble…(Psalm 50:15). He is waiting on your call because He longs to fix your problems. But many of you are too busy trying to fix it yourself. You think you have all the answers, and you end up doing more damage than good. Instead, you should trust that the Lord knows exactly what He’s doing. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding (Prov 3:5).  

2. Allow Him to come in

Once you call someone to fix your house, you must agree for them to come in and inspect it. If you’re like me you’ve probably said things like, “Come on in, but please excuse the mess.” Well God already knows what kind of mess we’re in, and He still wants to come in. He’s waiting for you to invite Him into your heart so He can clean it up. And I’m not just talking about those who are unsaved, I’m talking about husbands and wives who have their hearts full of mess. Hearts that are filled with pride, unforgiveness, selfishness, lust, bitterness, anger, resentment, and so much more. God’s ready to do a transformation, it’s time for you to invite him in. And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you…(Ezek 36:26).

3. You have to do your part

If you hire someone to make repairs for you, it will involve your participation. You might have to move some furniture around, change your schedule, buy supplies, and be patient while the process takes place. In the same way, God wants your participation in repairing your marriage. Yes He’s a miracle worker and He can do things you can’t, but you still need to do your part. Pray, study God’s word, fast, read marriage books, learn your spouse’s love language, initiate sex, and give 100% to your marriage no matter what the circumstances are. And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name Lord Jesus… (Col 3:17).

As a parent, it breaks my heart to see my child cry over a toy that’s been broken, so I can only imagine how God must feel to see so many of His children with broken marriages today. I believe with all my heart that God is the ultimate repair man, and there’s absolutely nothing He can’t fix. I also believe that God will teach us His ways, and give us all the tools we need to prevent our marriages from being broken again. For those of you praying for restoration, I encourage you to apply these three steps to your life, and then be patient while God works. God bless you all.


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