
Sharing Our Story With The World!

It was March 29, 2015 and Richie and I were celebrating three months of a renewed marriage. I was so excited about all that God was doing in our lives, that I wanted to share our story with the world. Feeling nervous and scared, I went up to my husband and asked his permission to post our testimony on Facebook.  I explained to him how I felt in my spirit that It was something God wanted me to do. I’ve always been a very transparent person who wears my heart on my sleeve and Richie has always been a very private person, but to my surprise, Richie said okay and I reactivated my account that day. Here is what I posted:

“I’m back!!! It’s been three months and I decided to get back on so I could give God glory for the awesome things He has been doing in my life!! Richie and I had hit rock bottom in our marriage, but we have spent these past few months focusing on each other and taking every step necessary to work things out. Praise God our marriage has been completely restored and we both are happier than we have ever been before!!! It’s been a hard road but God gave me Joy in my sorrow, peace in the storm, and hope for tomorrow and He can do the same for you!!

That status got over 300 likes and close to 50 comments!! All the positive feedback assured me that I had done God’s will by posting that. Jesus even said, …”declare how much God has done for you.” Luke 8:39. I prayed to God asking Him to let our story inspire at least one couple to not give up on their marriage and now I know we have inspired much more than that. Later that day I wrote my husband a sweet love letter that read:


Today makes 3 months since we decided to give our marriage one more chance. At first I wasn’t sure if we could work things out but I knew that I was having feelings I haven’t felt in a while, and I wasn’t ready to give up. I decided that day that I was willing to give up anything that stood between you and me. I was willing to give 100% of my time and energy to reconnecting with you. Today I know that making that decision was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. God has completely changed my view on marriage and has completely changed me as a wife. I’m learning to love you the way God loves me. To love you no matter what you have or haven’t done. To love you through your faults and weaknesses. Finally I can look at you and focus on all the good and everything I love about you. I completely accept you for who you are and I’m in love with every part of you from your head to your toes. I promise you that no matter what happens, I will love you and I will never leave you. I am your partner for life. I promise to put you above all things but God. I promise to respect you and give you my all. Storms will come, but if we stay grounded in God, nothing will be able to tear us apart.

Your wife,


A few weeks later I visited one of my cousins who was having a difficult time dealing with her husband’s infidelity. We talked for hours expressing the hurt and pain we had experienced from our husband’s lies and betrayal. I wanted to encourage her so I spoke about forgiveness, second chances, and how to move forward. Before I left her house I prayed for her and she began to cry. It was that day that I realized God was going to use me to minister to others going through what I had been through. He had a plan much bigger than I could imagine and all I needed to do was continue being obedient and allow Him to use me. Although the road has been rough and it’s not the path I would have chosen, I’m thankful that God has picked me to be a light that shines in someone else’s darkness.

God’s word says, “Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

I encourage you today to share your testimony with the world! Whatever God has given you victory over in your life, let it be known. People who win the battle don’t just live, they live to tell their story. Praise be to God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!

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