shattered dream

From Shattered Dreams to a Life I Could Never Dream Of

shattered dream

At the age of only 18 years old I had this big dream; I was going to have a big fancy wedding, marry the man I was in love with, and live happily ever after. You can only imagine how shattered my dream was years later when I found myself sleeping in a separate room from my husband, arguing with him all the time, and feeling unhappy and unloved. Yeah, that was not the kind of marriage I had in mind. And if my dream wasn’t shattered enough, it definitely was the day my husband told me our marriage was over and he wanted me to move out.

So I did what anyone with a shattered dream, a shattered life would do, I cried out to God. “In my distress I called to the Lord; I cried to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came before him, into his ears” (Psalm 18:6). And the Lord answered my cry and He told me to stay in my marriage and He would help me. It didn’t make sense to me at the time why God would want me to stay in a situation that seemed hopeless, damaged, broken, and too far gone, but I decided to trust in the Lord because I know that His ways and His thoughts are not like mine.

It’s been almost four years since that day, and I can say that I am so glad I listened to God. I went through a process of completely being transformed into the wife God desired for me to be, and I learned Biblical principles that helped save my marriage. I learned how to love unconditionally like Christ does. I learned how to forgive even when I didn’t think my spouse deserved my forgiveness. I learned that my husband needs to feel respected. I learned that I couldn’t spend all my time with my kids and neglect my marriage. And I learned that although I couldn’t change my husband, I could treat him in such a way that would motivate him to become a better man; “Wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives” (1 Pet. 3:1).

That’s when my marriage full of shattered dreams starting feeling like a marriage I could have never dreamed of. I transformed, my husband transformed, and our marriage was completely restored to the point we often said, “This seems too good to be true.” And on top of all of that, God began to use me and our story to help other marriages all around the world. Now I speak at churches, women’s conferences, and in other countries. I’m living what seems like a dream life.

So if you’re reading this and you feel like your dreams are shattered, your life is shattered, and your marriage is shattered, I want to encourage you to not give up. I want to encourage you to cry out to God, to trust God, and to apply His word to whatever situation you’re facing. If you do that, I truly believe your life will also go from shattered dreams to a life you could never dream of. “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps” (Prov. 16:9).


Thank you for taking the time to read my blog! Please feel free to message me with any prayer requests or questions. Also don’t forget to check out our events page for upcoming events! 

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