
Flesh vs Spirit


Daily there’s a battle going on inside of us. It’s a war between what our flesh desires, and what God’s spirit living in us says is right. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the spirit, and the spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want (Gal 5:17). One of Satan’s biggest plans is to tempt you until you give into sin. He will even have you believing lies, and thinking from the world’s view, rather than God’s truth. For he is a liar and the father of lies (John 8:44). If we’re not cautious, we’ll end up letting our flesh lead us and our marriages down a path of destruction.

In my own marriage, there has been so many times I’ve viewed my husband through fleshly eyes, instead of God’s spirit. When that happens, not only do I focus on all his flaws and weaknesses, but I react in a way that isn’t pleasing to the Lord. Instead of speaking with grace, I use words that will make him feel guilty. Instead of showing mercy, I let anger rage from within. Instead of choosing to forgive, I hold grudges. Instead of looking how he has bettered his life, I let bitterness make it’s home in my heart. Instead of encouraging him, I remind him of his failures. Instead of looking to our future, I dwell in the past.

Once my husband asked me, “How can you not want me around one minute, and then the next minute you’re missing me?” I explained it the best way I could. I said, “When I look through my own eyes, all I can see is a man who hurt me, betrayed me, and ruined my life. But when I pray and ask God to show me you through His eyes, I see a man who once was lost and now is found. A man who is a new creation through Christ.  Who I love and want to spend the rest of my life with. Who I forgive and cherish every moment with.” See the devil will do whatever he can to distort our vision. He doesn’t want us to be Christ like. To love the way God loves.

My flesh cries out in response to Richie’s actions, “How could you do this! You disgust me! You’ve taken my peace and wholeness! I just want a normal marriage. A husband who’s faithful and trustworthy.” Then God’s Holy spirit takes over and reminds me, “I have a plan for you and your husband. Be thankful that your marriage has been restored. Be thankful of the transformation that’s taken place in your lives. Be thankful for these trials, because I am equipping you. Remember my promises. Don’t give up! Don’t believe Satan’s lies! You are a conqueror. Through me you are victorious. I’ve already defeated the enemy. Greater I am in you, than he that is in the world. Don’t lose heart. Keep fighting the good fight. Rely on my strength. Trust in me, and have hope that one day your pain and sorrow will fade away. But in the meantime, remain steadfast and faithful, and one day you will receive the crown of life.

I challenge you today to examine yourself. Are you controlled by the flesh? What it desires? What words it wants to say? What view it wants to focus on? Or are you allowing God’s spirit to reign in your life? I encourage you to let it guide you and teach you God’s ways. But the helper, the Holy Spirit…will teach you all things (John 14:26).

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